screenshots of light grey colour scheme?

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olegeeza's picture
Joined: July 20, 2009

might be a weird thing to post for...

but any possibilities of a sneak screenshot of the upcoming light grey colour scheme?

i miss the old standard windows look of version 1 :) can't wait to see what it's like.
the darker one is probably healthier for my eyes, but am fond of the classic grey that slots into windows nicely. i wonder why that is.. hmm *scratches head*

cheers ross, and happy mulching!


Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

I might post some when they're ready but at the moment we're still working on it. Keep in mind that "slots into Windows nicely" is not really a goal -- the main issue is that some people have expressed problems viewing the dark colour scheme on some monitors / in some environments / with some eyes -- that's what we're seeking to address. Whatever it looks like it will be used on WinXP, Vista, Win7 and OSX. -- Ross.

olegeeza's picture
Joined: July 20, 2009

sounds cool. will be great to see it in action soon.

just a quick note, i use audiomulch on both my xp computer and macbook. the XP version i'm very comfortable with, but the os x version I find sometimes hard to work with, mainly because i have trouble reading the fonts at times.
it's probably to do with the os x native font rendering. i find some of the text blurry and generally annoying at times.
not as focussed and easy to read as the windows version.

is this what you mean by addressing certain visual issues?

maybe i'm the only one that finds the fonts annoying in os x?

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

i find some of the text blurry and generally annoying at times.
not as focussed and easy to read as the windows version.

is this what you mean by addressing certain visual issues?

that's good feedback, but at this stage changing the fonts is not something on the TO DO list for 2.1. Can you recommend any Mac apps that you thing get the screen font stuff right?

-- Ross.

olegeeza's picture
Joined: July 20, 2009

ah no. i certainly didn't mean that the font should be changed at all. defs not, that would seem like a rather silly fix.

it's certainly all to do with os x's native font rendering. it can be really good for some things (big text), but terrible for others (certain smaller texts). i think it's totally something out of a developers hand, since it's an OS feature itself.

i find this a common problem in max/msp too, but thankfully max/msp gives you a choice in its prefs to use "native text rendering", and I set os x to not antialias fonts under say, 10 or 12. When you don't use native text rendering, all text is antialiased regardless of your system prefs.
i think this function came about because a lot of users complained after max 5's initial release about not being able to read smaller fonts. max4 didn't antialias but max 5 now does.
this was their fix. i think it was a good idea. dunno if this could be done in audiomulch or if it's too complicated?

but hey, the issue i'm having here definitely is a personal one, and you never know, it might all be fixed up with a lighter grey theme, dark font on a light background.

will the lighter grey be the lighter kind of grey in the v1 of audiomulch?

it's really all about whether you prefer one over the other. and i'm probably the only one with the issue here, my eyes aren't so great :P audiomulch is still audiomulch no matter what platform it's on :)

just thought maybe i'd point it out incase anybody else was having issues too with the mac antialiasing.

examples below:

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

You're not alone. there are definitely other people who have trouble with the dark scheme. Although personally I like it.

will the lighter grey be the lighter kind of grey in the v1 of audiomulch?

AM1 used whatever colours the Windows colour scheme was set to, that screenshot isn't really the "standard" windows colour scheme if there ever was such a thing. The new light grey AudioMulch scheme will be a more generic light grey (along the lines of Logic 8 or versions of ProTools before it went black) -- the actual widget rendering will be the same as the current version (plus or minus some tweaks) but the colours will be different.
