Sharing Metasurface patches between PC and Mac?

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prof_lofi's picture
Joined: April 22, 2010

Hi all,

Please forgive me if this is an obvious question, I can't seem to find the answer in the FAQ or Forum though I'm sure it's been asked/answered before.

Anyway, can anyone tell me if audiomulch patches, specifically those using the metasurface, can be shared between PC and Macs? I'm working on a project where we're building the patches on pc's but will likely be sharing it with others using macs.



Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

Hello Bill,

> Anyway, can anyone tell me if audiomulch patches, specifically those using the metasurface,
> can be shared between PC and Macs? I'm working on a project where we're building the
> patches on pc's but will likely be sharing it with others using macs.

In general, when you use only native AudioMulch contraptions there should be no issues moving patches between Windows and Mac. For example, all the example files that ship with AudioMulch work the same on Windows and Mac -- we ship exactly the same files.

If you're using plugins you might not find the transition so smooth. Most likely it will work if you use VST plugins and you have matching versions for each platform. Migrating a patch from VST on Windows to Audio Unit on Mac will not be a direct process.

Does that help?


prof_lofi's picture
Joined: April 22, 2010

That's perfect Ross, cheers!
